Yeah, sorry, not much urbexing lately. Been keeping busy with some other hobbies though and thought I’d share some which are somewhat related because it’s DIY stuff.
First project was an indboard. I already have a regular indoboard which does not even qualify as project in my book but I wanted to build a rockerboard which is a bit more difficult. Sorry guys at indoboard, your products are awesome but these things are way to expensive. 4 Layers of 4mm plywood, couple of clamps, loads of screws and a drainpipe (which I now have in different sizes) and there you go!

The second project was a handplane, used for bodysurfing. I actually made this quite a while ago, even before the indoboard but never really got around to using it. Tried it in Lanzarote in october a year ago but didn’t work out, no good waves. Last october in Portugal I did have some fun with it. Small waves but very nice. Didn’t have good fins though since I was travelling light (or trying to). It’s made from 2 layers of plywood, has concave on the back 2/3rds and the front part has rocker. I first submerged the boards in water and let them soak, then clamped them together and let them dry. After that I glued them and clamped them again. Some final sanding and painting and ready!